Look through our calendar below to find both in person and online events.
The FSGW Calendar can be viewed two ways:
John Robinson will lead, teach and organize the request dancing.
No experience or partner necessary.
Lessons 8:00 - 8:30pm
Request dancing 8:30 - 9:30pm.
More information: International Folk Dancing (Greenbelt)
#Dance Weekend is an ultra challenging urban dance weekend featuring mind bending figures, non-gendered calling, and phenomenal music. Two days of amazing workshops, dancing, community, fun, and food in the fabulous open air, covered Bumper Car Pavilion; workshops throughout Glen Echo Park, Glen Echo, MD
Callers: Lisa Greenleaf and River Rainbowface
Bands: Free Raisins (Audrey Jaber, Amy Englesberg, Jeff Kaufman), and Bowrider (Kelsey Wells, Alex Sturbaum, Brian Lindsay)
Volunteering: Full-weekend volunteers will be assigned 3 hours of work. Partial-weekend volunteers will be assigned 1 hour of work
More about #Dance Weekend
Pre-orders of t-shirts are now closed, we will have limited sizes and shirt styles for sale at the event as well as previous year's designs.
On Tuesday, April 1st, the FSGW Board will meet from 8pm to 10pm in a video conference meeting. Please contact the FGSW President via this link or the FSGW WebMaster via this link to get the video conference information if you wish to attend.
Board meetings are open to members. If you have agenda items you wish to have considered, please contact the FSGW President at: president@fsgw.org
The Glen Echo Folk Dancers will be meeting in-person every Wednesday evening at Glen Echo Park (7300 MacArthur Blvd).
7:30 pm: beginning/intermediate/advanced teaching
8:30-10 pm: open request dancing
Admission: $10
We strongly urge everyone to be vaccinated and fully boostered, but do not require it. If you have not done so already, please send your email address to dancingplanet@erols.com.
Note: if you are having symptoms, or if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, or may be positive, please attend the class via Zoom for the next week or 2. If you attend the class and then test positive, please let me know immediately, so I can inform those who attended the class (without identifying you).
For out-of-towners and those who cannot attend in person, we are offering this class via Zoom. You can enter by clicking onto the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87152651884?pwd=QWVyVEc1cm9uWTNqTkwrYTdPWlRrdz09
Meeting ID: 871 5265 1884 Password: 145
See the website for more information: dancingplanetproductions.com/folkdance
Dan Gillespie calls to the playing of Catherine Chapman (fiddle), Colleen Reed (flute), and Bobby LaRose (piano) at the Glen Echo Town Hall.
You may register in advance (preferred) or at the door. Attendance will be limited to 50 dancers and spectators so if you are planning on registering at the door, please check the event page beforehand to see how many spaces are left.
If you have not previously attended a Wednesday night English country dance at Glen Echo, you may select "first time free" when registering. New dancers are welcome. If you have no previous English country dance experience or would like a refresher, please arrive at around 7:30 for a lesson.
COVID info: masks and vaccinations encouraged but not required. More info
The dance is held in the upstairs room of the Glen Echo Town Hall.
If you'd like to get weekly reminders and other email of interest to our local dancers, please send an email to ecd.registrar@fsgw.org to be added to the list.
General information on our English Country Dance web page
***Only those wishing to sing need to register.***
Reminder: Registration will be open til Noon ET on 4/4/25. Zoom Link will be sent to the Open Sing Mailing List, if you're not a member, sign up HERE
Registration Link: Click HERE
Singers List: Click HERE
House Concert with Miriam Hacksaw and Mira Lazuli in Takoma Park, MD, on Friday April 4
Coming to us direct from the Youth Traditional Song Weekend, Miriam Hacksaw is an old time fiddler and banjoist based out of New Orleans. She plays old time tunes and American Traditional music centering people of color, including Malayali folk songs she learned from her family from Kerala, India. Miriam has performed across the country at bookstores, community spaces, and old time festivals. She tours annually as the resident fiddler for the Flotsam River Circus.
Mira Lazuli is an Algerian-Quebecois multi instrumentalist from Montreal where she studied classical and jazz. Playing and writing music is therapy for her, a safe place where her thoughts and emotions can take form in an artistic way. She writes songs about queer relationships, healing, and self love in a style that mixes sapphic pop, disco and electronic music.
Suggested minimum donation: $15. Contributions of food & drink to share are most welcome.
For further information, reservations, and directions, contact Kathie Mack at kpmack2@gmail.com, or call 301-270-5367 (leave a voicemail; landline doesn’t take texts). (Note: Cats are in residence and there are six steps up to the front porch.)
Larry Weinerwill lead an
Oldies but Goodies Night
all request evening featuring recorded music international folk dance favorites - many easy dances to just follow along -
Request dancing 8:00-9:30pm.
Potomac River Shape Note Singing Convention!
All are welcome to the 2025 Potomac River Shape-Note Singing Convention! Singing from the Shenandoah Harmony & the Sacred Harp (1991) -- both books all day, in alternating sessions.
Saturday, April 5, 10:30am-4:00pm; registration begins at 10:00am. Church of the Ascension Silver Spring Parish Hall, 633 Sligo Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Please bring a dish to share for a potluck dinner (lunch) on the grounds around 12:30 pm.
Parish Hall entrance is down a short path to the right of the main entrance. Accessible entrances available. Parking is available at East Silver Spring Elementary School (behind the church).
Social to follow in Alexandria, VA. (Address will be announced at the singing.)
Sunday, April 6, 10:30am-4:00pm, registration to begin at 9:30am Lacey Woods Park rear picnic shelter, 1200 N George Mason Dr., Arlington, VA 22205
Please bring a dish to share for potluck dinner (lunch) on the grounds around 12:30 pm, and folding chairs/camp chairs if you have them.
This is an outdoor, covered location. We will sing rain or shine!
Street parking is available. Restrooms, children’s playground, and public water fountain on-site (50-yard walk on paved path). No electricity.
Drop off: https://maps.app.goo.gl/YUgPnJKdbtcBknzt7 (or enter at other end of park to avoid stairs).
If you are feeling ill, please do not come to the singings. Wearing a mask is optional but encouraged.
For general information, please contact DavidS.WDC@gmail.com. For housing, please contact jonathaneennewton@gmail.com.
Shape note singing is an American a cappella tradition with roots in the Colonial period. Characterized by open 4-part harmonies and a powerful sound, shape note singing is music designed primarily for participation, rather than for performance. For more information about The Sacred Harp, The Shenandoah Harmony, or shape note singing, visit fasola.org or shenandoahharmony.com
House Concert with Geoff Kaufman in Takoma Park, MD, on Sunday April 6
Although Geoff is best known to a lot of people for his 35 years of singing and organizing maritime music at Mystic Seaport Museum in CT, he has always maintained an active touring schedule featuring music from such formative influences as singers and songwriters from the “folk scare” of the 60s (Tom Paxton, Joan Baez, Steve Gillette...), songs collected in the Catskill Mountains where he grew up, and his time as a Sloopsinger with the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater and Pete Seeger. Since his retirement from Mystic in June of ’19, Geoff has turned greater attention to music that speaks to issues of social justice, the climate crisis and our need to find common ground, and from that has come his latest recording, “On a Day Like Today,” including covers of songs from Jacques Brel, Leonard Cohen, David Mallett, Phil Ochs, John Prine, Pete Seeger and Kate Wolf.
Our featured tellers this month are the lustrous Howard Lieberman and the boisterous Robin Bady!
Join us on Wednesday, April 9 at 7:30 Eastern at Busboys and Poets Takoma; or, for out-of-towners, via Zoom. You can register FOR FREE at: https://fsgw.org/grapevine for access to the live stream or to catch the recorded show later. No registration needed for in-person.
You will get emails with reminders on the date, time, and location, as well as Zoom information. We ask for donations to support our tellers, suggested $20 per person (feel free to give more!). Donations can be made in person or online before, during, or after the show, at: https://fsgw2.org/grapevine.html
The Grapevine is spoken word performance for adults and teens, celebrating the timeless art of the story, hosted by storytellers Renée Brachfeld and Tim Livengood.
Howard Lieberman, poet, storyteller, and performance artist, has done everything on stage except sing. He has been regarded as the finest Jewish traditional Irish Ceili dancer in Manhattan. His tap dancer father and math teacher mother partially explains his wild mood swings. Howard now lives in bucolic, Republican, Stillwater, Minnesota with a New York accent and a jaded sense of humor. More about Howard
Learn more about The Grapevine (Storytelling) series
April Blum leads the dancing while Becky Ross (fiddle), Carrie Rose (flute), and Melissa Running (piano) make the music at the Glen Echo Town Hall.
This dance is in the Great Hall at the Silver Spring Civic Building.
Please note: There is no longer free parking at the Civic Center Parking Garage.
Caller: Penelope Weinberger
Band: Tina Eck, Keith Carr, and Joe DeZarn
Calling Terms: Larks and Robins
Lesson at 7:00pm, Dance is from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Registration is required of all participants. Pre-registration is preferred - you may pay online or wait to pay at the door. You may register at the door. Cash and credit card are accepted at the door. Registrations may be cancelled prior to the event, and any payment will be refunded as a credit for future use. No refunds will be available after the event has started.
The monthly Song Circle provides a daytime opportunity to enjoy delightful songs, old or new, humorous or serious, timeless or topical. Free!
Everyone is welcome, regardless of experience. Come for informal group singing or just to listen, in person or via Zoom.
To celebrate springtime and Earth Day (April 22), bring or request your favorite Spring songs, or songs about the environment, or any other songs! If you wish to request particular songs, it helps to keep the singing going if you let us know well in advance using the registration form linked below.
Susan McNelis will lead songs with guitar accompaniment, and any participant may lead any song, a cappella or self-accompanied.
In-person attendees should read and follow FSGW's Respiratory Virus Guidelines.
If you can't come in person, please join us on Zoom with any Internet-connected device--computer, tablet, or smartphone--or you can join by dialing a phone number.
If this will be your first use of Zoom, go to https://zoom.us, click on " Sign Up Free " and follow the prompts. Do this ahead of time so that you'll be all set to "join the meeting" when it's time to do so. Information about getting started with Zoom is at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/200101697.
Before you join a Zoom session, if you installed the Zoom Workplace app on your computer before March 24, go to zoom.us/download to download and install the current version (6.4.1--or, for Windows, 6.4.2, released March 25). For a smartphone or tablet, update the Zoom app from your App Store or equivalent source.
Join us on April 11 in person or via Zoom. Especially if you're just getting started with Zoom, please try to join the Zoom session 5 or 10 minutes before 1:30 p.m. so that we can help with any technical issues before the singing begins.
For more information see the Song Circles page.
Barn Dance from 1-3pm in the Bumper Car Pavilion at Glen Echo Park, Glen Echo, MD.
Caller: Kappy Laning
Music: Katie Stahl and Maddie
Covid Info: masks and vaccination are encouraged but not required
Admission: Free! (no need to register, just show up at the door)
Come join us at the barn dance! This fun-spirited dance event is suitable for all ages and ability levels and features live music and calling. There will be circle dances, ceilidhs, and a variety of mixers. This dance fits the bill for families with preschool children just as well as older groups of tweens and teens. Our intergenerational community is what makes this dance unique and fun. So grab a friend or your kids and come join us!
General information on our Barn Dance web page
FSGW Gospel Sing in Takoma Park, MD on Sunday, April 13, 4 - 7 pm
The April 2025 Gospel Sing will take place at Jean and Cavan’s house in Takoma Park MD. Group singing for two hours, from 4 - 6 pm, potluck dinner from 6 -7 pm. Hymnals provided. A mask-friendly event — masks are optional but welcome. Everyone is welcome, but be sure you have had the latest COVID booster available and are symptom-free. RSVP/directions: email jean_capps@hotmail.com or call 240-447-2423.
General information about Gospel Sings
The Takoma Park Old-Time Jam is again at Busboys and Poets in Takoma, DC, the 3rd Wednesday of the month.
More info about the Old-Time Jams
Melissa Running calls while Anna Rain (recorders), Tina Chancey (fiddle), and Liz Donaldson (piano) play the tunes at the Glen Echo Town Hall.
Linda Mansdorf will lead, teach and organize the request dancing.
Request dancing 8:30-9:30pm.
Topic: As I Roved Out
Address: 1722 Shore Drive, Edgewater MD
Email: callagh@verizon.net for directions and to RSVP
Andrea Nettleton calls to the music of Jeff Steinberg (fiddle), Elisabeth Epstein (flute), and Neil Epstein (piano) at the Glen Echo Town Hall.
Ben Hole will lead, teach and organize the request dancing.
Concert with Bryan Bowers on Sunday, April 27, 2025 at 3:00 pm at the Glen Echo Town Hall, 6106 Harvard Avenue, Glen Echo, MD 20812
Bryan Bowers is the master of the Autoharp. An amateur may look at the autoharp, once described as a "zither with an automatic transmission," and think of it as a simple chording device, but in Bryan Bowers' capable hands, the instrument rings with complex counterpoint and an almost infinite range of tonal variations and expression.
Bryan brings an encyclopedic repertoire of gospel songs and hymn tunes, an immense batch of traditional songs, and a collection of heartfelt songs written by the best troubadors of the day (and some by himself).
At Bryan's we are going to do this concert at Glen Echo Town Hall, unamplified, with its perfect acoustics.
Suggested donation: $25. For more info: chbaum@earthlink.net or 301-587-2286
If you are arriving by car, please note that, for the benefit of Glen Echo residents, the mayor of Glen Echo has requested that attendees not park on residential streets. She has suggested several alternatives, including the Bannockburn neighborhood directly across MacArthur Blvd. from the Town Hall and the Glen Echo Park parking lot.
"To call Bryan Bowers' performance simply a 'concert' would be inadequate if not inaccurate ... (it) could better be described as an experience!"
-Deseret News
Kappy Laning leads the dances while (guest musician from WA) Laurie Andres (piano), David Knight (fiddle), and Paul Oorts (mandolin and accordion) play at the Glen Echo Town Hall.
Sunday Afternoon Dancing Planet Contra Dance
Intro lesson at 2:30pm, dance from 3-6pm in the Bumper Car Pavilion at Glen Echo Park, MD.
Band: Gyrations (David Knight on fiddle, Liz Donaldson on keyboard, and Carrie Rose on flute and piccolo)
Caller: Perry Shafran
Admission: $15 Cash or $17 Venmo (to cover fees) at the door, no cards.
Covid info: masks and vaccinations are suggested but not required.
On Tuesday, May 6th, the FSGW Board will meet from 8pm to 10pm in a video conference meeting. Please contact the FGSW President via this link or the FSGW WebMaster via this link to get the video conference information if you wish to attend.
House Concert with Janie Meneely and Rob van Sante on Thursday, May 8th in Alexandria, VA.
Enjoy an eclectic evening of songs ranging from the waters of the Chesapeake Bay to the rivers of New Zealand with international folk musicians Janie Meneely and Rob van Sante. The duo will appear at a 7:30 p.m. house concert in the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria, Virginia (the exact location will be provided when you register for the concert).
Janie, the author of instant classics such as “Twiddles” and “Nasty Nell,” writes hilarious and poignant songs about the music, history, and culture of the people who live on America’s waterways.
Rob van Sante is a master of Celtic-style guitar and he’s also a beautiful singer. While Janie’s songs focus on the Chesapeake Bay, where she grew up, Rob sings classic ballads and contemporary songs he’s collected from around the world, especially England, where he and Janie live and run a recording studio. The concert will also feature songs that Janie and Rob have written together.
Whether they sing about the past or the present, the Bay or Beyond, Janie Meneely and Rob van Sante are delighted to share music, merriment and (sometimes) mayhem. Be ready to sing along!
To register and to get directions and more information, contact Gordon Johnston and Karen Helbrecht at mjkandg@verizon.net or 703 725-0260. Light refreshments will be available at the concert. Please feel free to bring a snack to share.
Suggested donation $20
Please note: this dance is at the Seekers Church in Takoma, DC, across from the metro, rather than at the usual location in Silver Spring.
Band: Handspring (Carrie Rose, Owen Morrison, and Alexander Mitchell)
Come celebrate Mother's Day at this fun intergenerational dance!
Caller: Carolin Barnes
Music: Jim Morrison and Owen Morrison
Join us on Wednesday, May 14th at 7:30 Eastern at Busboys and Poets Takoma; or, for out-of-towners, via Zoom. You can register FOR FREE at: https://fsgw.org/grapevine for access to the live stream or to catch the recorded show later. No registration needed for in-person.
Kevin Cordi has told stories in over forty states and several countries. He shares stories in an energetic, animated, and interactive style. Kevin’s award-winning story work has been commissioned by The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, American Library Association, National Storytelling Network, Newsweek, and the Qatar Foundation International. Kevin believes in the power of play to help people re-consider the story that they and others tell about themselves. More about Kevin
Liza Newell had a spectacular stage debut at the Grapevine, so we have asked her back. Liza grew up in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Her love of storytelling is inspired by stories told around the dinner table and by the fireplace. Liza’s stories are shaped by her experiences of a small town childhood, of summers spent in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and of what it means to leave and find home again in different corners of the world. More about Liza
Register is now open - early registration discount available until April 1st.
Come join us for a fabulous time! Doors open at 7:00 pm, dancing starts at 7:30.
The Washington Spring Ball is a joyful yearly event of English Country Dancing to glorious music. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. We have a practice session the day of the ball, where most of the dances will be taught. Attending the practice session is strongly encouraged but not required. In the evening at the ball, all dances will be briefed (talked-through) and then prompted for the first few rounds. Dancers wear what makes them feel happy and festive; some choose attire from the 18th or 19th century.
Afternoon practice session from 2:00 - 5:00 pm on the day of the ball, at the Civic Building , which is included in the admission fee. The practice session will be called by Melissa Running with music by Liz Donaldson on piano and Elke Baker on fiddle.
Music for the ball will be provided by Hijinks featuring Miranda Weinberg on violin, Carrie Rose on flute, and Kathy Talvitie on keyboard.
Please visit the Annual Washington Spring Ball page for additional details.
On Tuesday, June 3rd, the FSGW Board will meet from 8pm to 10pm in a video conference meeting. Please contact the FGSW President via this link or the FSGW WebMaster via this link to get the video conference information if you wish to attend.
Barn Dance from 1-3pm in Classroom 303-302 at Glen Echo Park, Glen Echo, MD.
Caller: Jacob Barker
Music: Pinky Pickers - Sam Klotz on Banjo, Nah Klotz on guitar, and Max Jacobs on Fiddle
Caller: Janine Smith
Band: Frog Hammer (Jim Besser, Dave Casserly, Bob Collins, Glyn Collinson, Michael Ferguson, and Andrew Marcus)
Caller: TBD
Band: TBD
Music: Liz Donaldson and Gina Faber
Caller: Greg Frock
Band: Trio Con Brio
Hosted by Linda Mansdorf, John Robinson, Ben Hole, Vita Hollander & other guest instructors. This is a FREE event.
To Register for the Zoom link contact John Robinson at j_srobinson@verizon.net
There's no Barn Dance in August - see you again in September!
Band: The Hollertones
Contrastock: 8+ hours of contra dancing! A premier contra dance event, featuring nationally renowned bands and callers and an amazing historic dance hall.
When: September 7, 2025 from 1:00 PM to 10:00 PM. There is a break for dinner.
Where: Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park, MD
Bands: TBA
Callers: TBA
Contrastock is being called with non- gendered dance role terms
Covid protocol: Masks and vaccinations are encouraged but not required
More about the FSGW COVID-19 Response policy
Save the Date!
Same festival but just one day, not two, so it will be super-jammed packed with the most excellent folk music from the DC area!" If you want to perform, send inquiries to publicity@fsgw.org
Band: Midnight on the Water
Caller: Will Mentor
Band: Stomp Rocket
Copyright 2018 The Folklore Society of Greater Washington