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  • Donal Maguire (Special Event)

Donal Maguire (Special Event)

  • 17 Jul 2003
  • 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM
  • Home of Rita Ferrara, Wheaton, MD
One of the truly great Irish singers of our day!D?NAL MAGUIRE is one of the great masters of Irish singing and culture. When D?nal movedto England as a fifteen-year old, it accelerated his interest in the music of his native Ireland.He realized that the genre extended beyond the popular and charismatic Clancy Brothers that he soadmired in his youth. He became enamored of the lyricism and gentleness in the singing of peoplelike Joe Heaney, Paddy Tunney and Elizabeth Cronin. Growing up and hanging out in the folk clubsof London, he developed into a fine singer, mastering all of the intricacies of Irish style.WHILE D?NAL has been primarily associated with unaccompanied singing, he has significant other?strings to his bow.? D?nal is a fine interpreter of contemporary material, as well as an excellentsinger of traditional material, and can accompany himself on a range of stringed instruments.He is universally recognised as one of the finest players of Irish dance music on mandolin and tenorbanjo. He has also collected many songs, not only in his native Co. Louth, but from many sourcesin the U.K.D?nal will be here "on holiday," but we'll be taking up a donation to help cover his travel expenses.?D?nal Maguire is an exceptionally fine singer. His soft Irish accent has a lightness that allows the words tosail with the tune, control enough to hold or add decoration and a strong sense of the pace and timing thatmany songs require.? ?Living Tradition

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