Even in the world of old Anglo-Celtic ballads, Two Sisters (Guen & Liz Spilsbury) deliver an exceptional combination of sweet harmonies and ghastly body counts — as many as ten casualties in a single song. They’re the musical equivalent of Guernica on canvas or Ben-Hur on film: images of cruelty and brutality that warrant a parental advisory are saved by the stunning beauty with which they are rendered and by the historical value of the artists’ interpretation. After several performances for FSGW, including opening for Archie Fisher, Two Sisters — named not for their kinship but for the grisly Child ballad — are working on their debut CD produced by Charlie Pilzer’s Tonal Park studios.
Cosponsored by the Office of Historic Alexandria and FSGW, this is the April show in the Alexandria After Work concert series held in the heart of Old Town Alexandria at 6 pm on the second Friday of each month. Take the free trolley that runs every 15 minutes from King Street Metro station! At historic Lloyd House, 220 N Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. $15 suggested donation; cash bar.