At the home of Don Chauls in Sandy Spring, MD
Theme: sun, moon, and stars
Start time: August 2nd, 8:00 pm
Address: 1727 Hickory Knoll Rd, Sandy Spring, MD;
Get yourself to route 108 in Sandy Spring. About halfway between the Olney Theater and the Good Earth nursery is a large sign for Brooke Grove. Enter onto Slade School Road. Follow this about three-quarters of a mile; it meanders through the woods, then passes a large building on your right. Immediately after the building, turn left onto Hickory Knoll Road. (If you’ve been counting, this is the third left turn since you entered Slade School Road.) Then immediately turn right at the Visitor Parking sign. Park. Look downhill past the apple and redbud trees and you will see our back door (we’ll put up balloons or something).
If you think you might have difficulty walking downhill across grass, don’t turn into the Visitor Parking lot. Instead drive straight, take the first right turn and park in front of #1727.