Saturday, March 11 • 7:30 - 10 p.m.
Seekers Church, 276 Carroll St. NW 20012 (Metro: Takoma). $20 nonmembers, FREE to members.
The Starry Mountain Singers are eight alumni of the Northern Harmony and Village Harmony ensembles, and members have performed with the Revels and on Mountain Stage and A Prairie Home Companion. They bring riveting harmonies to American and international folk music including gospel, shapenote, Appalachian, Bulgarian, Corsican and Georgian songs. Pete Sutherland of the Clayfoot Strutters said it best: "Everyone needs to make time to get the hell outta the house and hear this rockin' bunch - your molecules will be rearranged. ? Orfeia, a local Balkan women's choir under the direction of Tatiana Sarbinska, celebrated their tenth anniversary in 2016 after many appearances at the Bulgarian Embassy, the Washington Folk Festival, Balktoberfest, and Baltimore's Artscape festival. Ms. Sarbinska is recognized as a national treasure of Bulgaria and recently received her nation's most prestigious cultural award. The two ensembles have performed together before and incorporated Balkan folk songs into Starry Mountain's varied repertoire.
Starry Mountain Singers on YouTube
Nominations for the 2017-2018 FSGW Board of Directors will be accepted at intermission. This event will be considered one of the open meetings required by the Society's bylaws for that purpose.
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Copyright 2018 The Folklore Society of Greater Washington