For the first time in the greater DC area, ? (?ash?), the duet of Aurelia Lucy Shrenker and Eva Salina Primack, will perform songs from Appalachia, the Balkans, Caucasus Georgia, and Corsica. Since 2007, the duo has been playing to diverse audiences at venues ranging from the Zlatne Uste Golden Festival in New York City to Ashkenaz Music & Dance in Berkeley, CA, creating rich and varied performances, mostly a cappella, but occasionally adding accordion and Georgian panduri to the mix. Aurelia and Eva skillfully bring together a deep understanding of different vocal traditions to create innovative interpretations while capturing the essence of the source culture. They perform extensively abroad, as well as in the U.S. and recently released a CD that has received critical acclaim. Admission: $15.
Aurelia and Eva are also experienced teachers. They will conduct a public vocal workshop on Saturday, February 26, 1:00-3:00 pm at the Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church, 201 4th St., SE, Washington D.C., 20003. Admission: $20.00.
For more information and to register for the workshop, contact Anne Harrison,
Learn more about ? at