with music by Jacqueline Schwab on piano and Andrea Hoag on fiddle
Saturday, April 17, 2010
at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax
2709 Hunter Mill Road, Oakton, VA 22124-1614
7:30 to 10:30 pm
Jacqueline Schwab (of the band Bare Necessities), in addition to being one of the pre-eminent English Dance musicians, is also one of the finest English Dance teachers (come see her do both simultaneously and effortlessly). She will be accompanied by our own Andrea Hoag on fiddle.
This workshop is part of a weekend series that includes an afternoon dance workshop of Gary Roodman teaching his latest dances with music by Jacqueline Schwab. See below for afternoon workshop/evening social event pricing. You may also catch Jacqueline in a solo, Sunday afternoon, house concert perfoming non-dance music at the home of David Roodman & Mai Pham on Capital Hill [space is limited--for details see FSGW website under Special and House Concerts].
FSGW/BFMS/CDSS Members: Dance Workshop $15, Evening Dance Social $20, Both Dances $30
General Public: Dance Workshop: $17, Evening Dance Social $23, Both Dances $36
Students half-price
For further information contact Anna Rain at annarain61@msn.com or at 301 779 4273.
This event is not sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, its Board of Directors, or staff.
Copyright 2018 The Folklore Society of Greater Washington