Donations help us defray the cost of events that don't break even, such as the Barn Dance which is free to the public. | We host many events, both participatory and performance based; dances, sings & Jams, concerts, and storytelling. |
Volunteer at Annual EventsVolunteer at one of our larger annual events such as #Dance Weekend, New Year's Eve Contra Dance Ball, or The Getaway. You can help with both the planning stage and/or at the event itself. | Volunteer at Weekly EventsVolunteer at a smaller event such as a concert, dance, sing, or story swap (e.g., taking money at the door, sweeping up after a dance). Just go to the page for the event you are interested in volunteering for and contact the organizer. | Join Our BoardJoin our board and help make a difference in your local programming! The communication and organizational skills you learn with us are transferrable to your career. |