Donations help us defray the cost of events that don't break even, such as the Barn Dance which is free to the public. | We host many events, both participatory and performance based; dances, sings & Jams, concerts, and storytelling. |
Volunteer at Annual EventsVolunteer at one of our larger annual events such as #Dance Weekend, New Year's Eve Contra Dance Ball, or The Getaway. You can help with both the planning stage and/or at the event itself. You can also volunteer at weekly and monthly events such as concerts and dances (this includes helping with registration at the door, sweeping after the dance, etc). Go to the page for the event you are interested in and contact the organizer for more info. | Have Your Event Sponsored or Co-SponsoredFSGW offers both fiscal and non-fiscal sponsorships, including benefits such as publicity (newsletter, event calendar, weekly e-blasts, and social media), insurance, and zoom license. | Join Our BoardJoin our board and help make a difference in your local programming! The communication and organizational skills you learn with us are transferrable to your career. |