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  • October Open Sing

October Open Sing

  • 07 Oct 2022
  • 7:30 PM
  • Online via Zoom

The October Open Sing host will be Flawn Williams.

When: Friday, October 7th at 7:30PM EDT
Topic: “Pieces of Eight.” In honor of October. While it’s the tenth month in our modern year, it was named as the eighth month.

From the dictionary:

According to the original Roman republican calendar, October was the eighth month of the year rather than the ninth. The Roman calendar was only 10 months long and included the following months: Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December. As you can see, January and February hadn’t been added to the calendar yet!

Like its neighboring months September, November, and December, the month of October kept its numerical name, even after Julius Caesar expanded the calendar year from 10 months to 12. October entered Old English via Old French, replacing the English vernacular term Winterfylleð (“Winter full moon”).

So: songs about anything including the number eight, or pieces of eight (15th-century Spanish ‘dollars'), or being behind the eight ball, or songs with eight verses, or any song with an eight in its time signature (6/8, 8/8, etc), or any other squirrelly connection to eight that strikes your fancy!

***Only those wishing to sing need to register.***

Sign up: https://bit.ly/October-2022-Open-Sing-Signup

Singers List: https://bit.ly/October-2022-FSGW-OpenSingers-List

Registration will be open til Noon on 10/7/22.
Zoom Link will be sent to the Open Sing Mailing List, if you're not a member, sign up at https://groups.io/g/FSGWOpenSings

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