This monthly family-friendly song circle is about the joy of singing, not about talent. Come for informal group singing or just to listen, but do come to enjoy delightful songs!
Wendy Lanxner will lead some songs with guitar accompaniment. If you would like to lead one or more songs and/or be an instrumental accompanist, please send an email message (Subject: Song Circle Planning) to Fred Stollnitz <>.
If this will be your first use of Zoom, go to, click on " Sign Up, It's Free " and follow the prompts (entering your email address when asked for "your work email"). Do this ahead of time so that you'll be all set to "join the meeting" when it's time to do so.
Join us on April 15 via Zoom. For security of the Zoom session, please register in advance for free tickets via Eventbrite at:
You will get an email on April 15 with the details you need to join the Zoom session.
For more information see the Song Circles page.
Copyright 2018 The Folklore Society of Greater Washington