This meeting on Tuesday, Feb 14 will focus on:
Why: Why should FSGW exist? What needs does it fill in 2023? If FSGW did not exist, would it be created in 2023?
Who: Who is involved / invested in FSGW and its events.
Participants - those who attend the FSGW dances, festivals, sings, concerts and every activity. What encourages participants to come to events?
Performers: those who perform at a concert, a storytelling, or a dance.
Members - those that pay a membership fee to belong to FSGW. What value does FSGW provide to members? What do members value about FSGW?
Volunteers - why do individuals contribute (often significant) time to be a “do-er”, one of those that make FSGW happen
Leaders - the committee members and board members who undertake, with no renumeration, the organization, strategy, guidance and oversight of FSGW?
Copyright 2018 The Folklore Society of Greater Washington