The booming bass voice of Larry Hanks has accompanied Gordon Bok, Elizabeth Cotton, David Grisman, Utah Phillips, Malvina Reynolds, Mike Seeger, Martyn Wyndham-Read, the New Lost City Ramblers, and his wife, Deborah Robins. Together they have performed at Millennium Stage, Old Songs, the Brooklyn Folk Festival, the Bluff Country Gathering, and other gatherings from British Columbia to Europe. Reviewing their new CD, No Hiding Place, folksinger Michael Cooney notes, “This is why I got into folk music to begin with!” Their Facebook page says it best: “Larry Hanks & Deborah Robins sing OLD AMERICAN SONGS. Plain. Old. Songs. With deep love and respect for the sources and the subjects. Real. Live. Music.” At Molly Hickman’s house in Takoma Park. $15 donation suggested. RSVP/directions:
Copyright 2018 The Folklore Society of Greater Washington