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  • Martha Seigel (Wednesday English Country Dance)

Martha Seigel (Wednesday English Country Dance)

  • 24 Oct 2001
  • 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Home of Greta Whittendale, Dover, DE
English Country Dance every Wednesday from 8:00 - 10:30 p.m. at the Glen Echo Town Hall, located at 6106 Harvard Ave, just off MacArthur Blvd a few blocks west of Glen Echo Park, upstairs from the Glen Echo Post Office. We dance every Wednesday, all year, unless that day is a major holiday.Admission: FSGW, BFMS, ATDS & CDSS members: $10; Non-members: $12; Students: $5Visit the FSGW English Country Dance and find a combination of fun and refined dancing, led by talented callers who are accompanied by top-notch musicians playing tunes that are unique to each dance. On a given evening you may hear anything from the ubiquitous piano and fiddle to the flute, dulcimer, oboe, concertina, bassoon, cello, or viola.Dance on a wood floor in the upstairs community room of the Glen Echo Town Hall. Enjoy the friendly crowd, known for its welcoming nature. The dance runs from 8:00 to 10:30 p.m. with a break for light refreshments. New people are always welcome, and you don't need to bring a partner. We'll help you learn. Our dancers who are sensitive to fragrances will be grateful if you use them lightly.The Town Hall is climate controlled: Air Conditioned for enjoyable dancing during the hot, muggy, Washington Summers, and comfortably warm in the Winter too.

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