What better way to shake off the the turkey malaise than with two hot dances before the weekend ends?!? Alex Deis-Lauby and the Ripples bring an afternoon of mind-benders to encourage you to challenge your dance practice at whatever level you may be. A typical challenging session features dances with figures that might not be regularly encountered in an evening of dance. So be ready to challenge your brain and feet with star thru contra corners, backward progressions, left hand chains, and other odd delights. You will advance your dance practice, be it through learning new moves, getting smoother on infrequent ones, or helping others to do so. Mostly it’s a chance to dance your best and have fun! Informal potluck to follow - stay for the evening dance.
Both dances will be called with ravens and larks
see you on the dance floor!
Copyright 2018 The Folklore Society of Greater Washington