FSGW celebrates the holidays with the tuneful playing and melodious singing of Quercus at The Lyceum in Historic Alexandria on December 13. For years David McKindley-Ward (banjo, guitar, voice) and Marty Frye (flute, fiddle) have been steeping themselves in the D.C.-Baltimore area’s lauded Irish music community, like a good pot of Barry's tea. Apart from craic of the finest quality, Marty and David seek to cultivate a musical sensitivity that does justice to the masterful touch of the old players, while being honest to their own creative instincts.
Co-sponsored by the Office of Historic Alexandria and FSGW, this is part of the Alexandria After Work concert series held in the heart of Old Town Alexandria at 6 pm on second Fridays. Take the free trolley that runs every 15 minutes from King Street Metro station! At The Lyceum, 201 S. Washington, Alexandria, Virginia. Free to FSGW members, $5 suggested donation for non-members; cash bar.
General information on Concerts
Copyright 2018 The Folklore Society of Greater Washington