The Natterjacks’ Facebook page says it best: “Two retired Pyrates, a fiddler, and a nice Irish girl walk into a bar... No joke, this group of folk music virtuosos from acclaimed bands The Pyrates Royale, The O’Danny Girls, and The ShamRogues strives to sound more pleasing to the ear than its namesake the rather loud and obnoxious Natterjack toad.” Longtime stars of the Maryland and Virginia Renaissance fairs, Craig Williams (guitar and bouzouki), Darcy Nair (hammered dulcimer, English concertina, and bodhran), Claudia Harrison (violin), and Lisa Oberg (flute) recently released their first CD together, Toad Liquor, showcasing their rich and rowdy repertoire of maritime and pub songs.
Cosponsored by the Office of Historic Alexandria and FSGW, this is the October concert in the Alexandria After Work concert series held in the heart of Old Town Alexandria at 6 pm on the second Friday of each month. Take the free trolley that runs every 15 minutes from King Street Metro station! At Lloyd House, 220 N Washington St, Alexandria, VA 22314. Indoors or outdoors depending on weather. $15 suggested donation; cash bar.
Copyright 2018 The Folklore Society of Greater Washington