Folk Alliance International and the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress asked an array of different folk musicians to learn material from AFC’s archive and perform it in a special showcase! Hear hidden gems dusted off and polished by Jaimeo Brown, percussionist and song collector inspired by the Gees Bend quilters in rural Alabama; Elena & Los Fulanos, Wammie-nominated bilingual folk-rock band; Huda Asfour & Kamyar Arsani, tapping Tunisian and Persian roots and studies at the National Conservatory of Music in Gaza, the Edward Said Music Conservatory in Ramallah, and Sufi masters; and the Ship’s Company Chanteymen, Wammie-nominated boisterous maritime singers recently featured in FSGW’s joint concert series with the Office of Historic Alexandria. Read more here about these amazing artists and come hear them for FREE (no reservations or tickets) at the Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Building, 10 First Street SE, Washington, DC 20540 (Metro: Capitol South).
Copyright 2018 The Folklore Society of Greater Washington