The Grapevine (Storytelling)

sponsored by FSGW 

FSGW sponsors storytelling at The Grapevine Online, an electronic stage for professional storytellers. The Grapevine is home to the best in modern storytelling, which means all kinds of storytelling: truth, fiction, heroes, villains, myths, and legends, in solemn, humorous, and other styles. All the varieties of story that people have told each other for thousands of years; told really, really, well by people who are at the top of their craft. Hosted by: Tim Livengood, and Renée Brachfeld.

Register for the March Grapevine

When: Second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM

WhereBusboys and Poets in Takoma Park, DC. You can also join Online via Zoom. When you register we will send you the Zoom information.

Admission: We ask for donations to support our tellers, suggested $20 per person


Questions? Contact

You can also check out their Facebook page and leave comments at: GrapevineStoryTelling 

Interested in additional story telling events in the area? Check out the Voices In the Glen Calendar

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