Another musical family (at the end of the alphabet)Wikipedia will tell you: Bob Zentz is an American musician and educator who has been performing for more than thirty years. He is a guitarist and also plays the autoharp, lute, melodeon, mouth harp, banjo, concertina and mandolin. He specializes in historical and maritime music.What Wikipedia won't tell you is that in the course of an evening, Bob's music will become the tool to develop a relationship, and by the end of the evening, you will think of him as one of your oldest friends, who just happens to know everything there is to know about folk music.Bob Zentz is:a singer of Songs, Old & New, about people, places and times gone by
a player on dozens of the usual, and unusual 'unplugged' Folk Instruments
a collector of Stories in Verse
a teller of 'the tales behind the songs'
a commentator on the ecology of the 'human spirit'
a scholar of the evolution of 'home-made music'.
Bob Zentz has been ?Mr. Folk Music? in the Tidewater region of Virginia for as long as anyone can remember. --Jim Newsom, Portfolio WeeklyBob will be accompanied by his very musical daughter Skye.Raised by two musically inclined parents, Skye Zentz spent many of her childhood nights playing hide and go seek in the practice rooms of her dad's guitar shop while various folkies did shows. Eventually, the music rubbed off on her. As Skye puts it: "One Christmas ... Dad gave me my first real guitar. I was, for lack of better words, speechless. (har-har) not because I was in awe, or because I was excited by the gift...but rather, because I had no prior knowledge of the guitar nor had I really any drive to learn it. but i figured, considering my Dad's true love for all things music...and all things me, I should give it a shot. So I taught myself while i was 16, and on thru til the now-time..."Skye enjoys writing her own songs, and she'll no doubt do a few of them in the concert. This is her Inside the Beltway debut.Following a spring of VanNorstrands, Waterson-Carthys, and Seegers, it's yet another family affair for the FSGW.