Englishman Martyn Wyndham-Read is a singer's singer, and a wonderful guitarist with a treasure trove of songs both traditional and contemporary. He'll bring the songs of his native Sussex, as well as those of his adopted home, Australia, to a special concert at the Glen Echo Town Hall on Thursday, April 15, at 8 p.m. The venue offers the intimacy of a house concert with additional seating to accommodate Martyn's many D.C.-area fans. Admission is $15. Residents of the Town of Glen Echo admitted gratis.
In his 40 years as a touring folksinger, Martyn has learned from--and sung with--a rich array of singers and folksong collectors. His performing tours have taken him to Europe, the U.K., Australia, and the U.S. Living in Australia during the 1960s, Martyn absorbed many of the traditional Australian songs that make up a large part of his repertoire. He learned them from gellow sheep station hands when he worked at Emu Springs in the Australian outback, and from the folk revival singers he met while in Melbourne.
Returning to England In the late 1960s, he was invited to record for Topic Records by renowned English singer and song collector A.L. "Bert" Lloyd. His first recording project, "Leviathan" started a long career of recordings, which now include many CDs, both solo and with some of the luminaries of the British folk scene. His influential two-volume "Song Links" project brought together musicians from three continents to explore the intersections of British, Australian, and North American folksongs as they criss-crossed the oceans with new generations of settlers. His latest recording project, "Down the Lawson Track," will feature the stories, poems, and songs of the great Australian poet, Henry Lawson, sung by Martyn with collaborators who include British folk pioneer Shirley Collins.
So forget about taxes for an evening, and transport yourself to England and Australia for a special evening of songs--many with choruses just waiting for your harmonies.
Copyright 2018 The Folklore Society of Greater Washington