The monthly family-friendly Schweinhaut Song Circle provides a daytime opportunity to enjoy delightful songs, old or new, humorous or serious, timeless or topical. You can join us using any Internet-connected device--computer, tablet, or smartphone--or you can join by dialing a phone number.
The Song Circle is about the joy of singing, not about talent. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or experience. Bring kids and grandkids, and come for informal group singing or just to listen, but do come to sign or just to listen. Free!
While Montgomery County senior centers are closed, we are doing that using Zoom as the software platform.
The Zoom link will be sent Wednesday morning to those who have attended the Schweinhaut Song Circle using Zoom and to others who register at by Tuesday, August 18.
We'll go around the virtual room as many times as we can, giving everyone a chance to request a song (or just pass) during each round.
Until 2 p.m., Wendy Lanxner will lead some songs with guitar accompaniment. Wendy is happy to accompany any song that she knows or can find chords for. It’s helpful if you send your requests in advance using the form in the registration link above.
We'll have a special treat this month to celebrate the centennial of women gaining the right to vote in U.S. elections. After 2 p.m., Steve Woodbury will lead some songs from his collection of suffrage songs: Suffrage Songster, Songs for Woman Suffrage, and "Suffrage Songs from 1920" (see below).
Following Steve, if time permits, you may lead any song(s) you wish, but it’s helpful if you let us know in advance, using the form in the registration link above, if you would like to lead one or more songs and/or to be an instrumental accompanist.
If this will be your first use of Zoom, go to, click on " Sign Up, It's Free " and follow the prompts (entering your email address when asked for "your work email"). Do this ahead of time so that you'll be all set to "join the meeting" when it's time to do so. Information about getting started with Zoom is at
If you installed Zoom before June 15, go to to install Version 5.2+ before you want to join any Zoom session. (Version 5.2.0 is the latest one.)
Join us on August 19 via Zoom. Especially if you're just getting started with Zoom, please try to join the Zoom session 10 or 15 minutes before 1 p.m. so that we can help with any technical issues before the session begins.
For more information see the Song Circles page.
Suffrage Songs from 1920
From a 3-page mimeographed song sheet of the College Equal Suffrage League of Boston;
from the Maude Wood Park collection at the Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe.
tune: Yankee Doodle; words: Alice Stone Blackwell
Massachusetts, she’s all right
Happy and victorious;
Plymouth Rock and Bunker Hill
Join to swell the chorus.
Native state of Lucy Stone
And of Susan B., sirs;
From her mountains to the sea
Women shall be free, sirs.
tune: Auld Lang Syne; words: Florence B. Luscomb
To the Pioneers
While loud the bells of vict’ry peal,
The world applauds and cheers,
Our hearts in grateful reverence turn
To thee, oh Pioneers!
In days of scorn and dark defeat
Thou strove, through toilsome years
Unswervingly, The victory
Is thine, oh Pioneers!
tune: Comin’ Through the Rye; words: Florence H. Luscomb
If a Party meet a lady
Going to the polls;
If a Party woo a lady,
Must she needs enroll?
Every laddie has his party;
None my true love holds;
For all the Parties smile on me, when
Going to the polls.